The Power of Focus
Simply Driven is on the march to a record year. A lot of things have contributed to the company’s current success, but perhaps none more than our ability to get focused late in Q2 of 2018.
The world is a noisy place. There are bright lights and shiny objects everywhere. It’s so easy to lose focus. But that’s not the way you win. You win by setting a goal and staying focused on it.
Heading into the homestretch of 2018, we adopted the mantra of our own Jim Fisher: “No distractions.” We have our eyes firmly focused on our goal for the year. There is no need for a burst of innovation, or new and different approaches. It’s all about execution. Head up, eyes straight ahead, execute the fundamentals. Every day. Stick with what’s working.
How about you? How’s your focus? Don’t be intimidated if you’re all over the place right now. You can fix it. Things become elegantly simple when you eliminate distractions and focus on your stated goal. At first, it’s a challenge. But with some discipline at the outset, you’ll find the act of eliminating the things that are in your way becomes very liberating. And fun. If it doesn’t take you clearly in the direction of your goal, then you don’t do it.
You won’t have 100% success – you’ll falter and have to pull yourself back on course. We track our progress here on a big whiteboard that hangs in my office. Once something’s on the board, there’s nowhere to hide. One look and it’s pretty easy to know if you’re on the path or have wandered off into the woods.
There aren’t many working weeks left in 2018. Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Years knock about three weeks of productivity out of the remaining equation. But there’s still time. Get focused.