Why Being Open-Minded is a No-Brainer

“76% of full-time employed workers are actively looking or open to new job opportunities.”

– CareerBuilder Pulse of Recruitment Survey, June 2016


“The median number of years that wage and salary workers had been with their current employer was 4.2 years in January 2016, down from 4.6 years in January 2014”

– S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 22, 2016


“You should plan on switching jobs every three years for the rest of your life.”

– Fast Company, January 2016


The Old Paradigm: Fewer Jobs = Good

When I entered the employment world many years ago, job tenure was revered; a badge of honor for an employee and something that companies boasted about. Gifts were given based on job tenure…it’s where we got sayings like, “He got the gold watch.”

Upon joining the recruiting profession in 1999, clients regularly told me, “Don’t bring me a job hopper.” Prospective employers wanted to see stability in someone’s resume. If they stayed at their last job for 10 years, wouldn’t they stay with us for 10 years too?


The New Paradigm: Fewer Jobs = Bad

That’s all changed now. The workforce is far more mobile, and tenure is not the differentiator it once was. Employers today believe long tenure can negatively impact employee perspective, diversity of experience, adaptability and learning agility. In fact, learning agility is now one of the most desirable traits that employers seek in new hires. Why? Individuals who have succeeded in multiple roles, organizations and environments are seen as people who can hit the ground running and be immediate contributors.

And…tenured employees make less money. According to Forbes, “Staying employed at the same company for longer than two years on average is going to make you learn less over your lifetime by about 50% or more.”


Being Open-Minded is a No-Brainer

The benefits of being open-minded far outweigh any risks – real or perceived – in exploring career opportunities that appear. Agreeing to evaluate an opportunity (or even just hear about one) isn’t a commitment to quit your job and accept a new one. It’s good decision-making. Gather some information and reach a conclusion based on facts, not a knee jerk reaction based on convenience or fear. “No” is an acceptable answer unless it’s not grounded in facts. Then it’s ignorance.


Open-minded = Good…   Closed Minded = Harmful To You

Closed-minded thinking will limit your worldview, undermine your perceived market value and diminish your earning potential. You’ll also eliminate options and create fictional obstacles to achieving your personal, professional and financial goals. And perhaps most dangerously, closed-minded thinking can become deeply imbedded in your brain and not only hold you back professionally, but in every area of your life.

Be open-minded to career opportunity. And remember, the final decision is always yours. No one can hire you without your consent.


© 2016 Simply Driven Executive Search