January 25, 2017 |

Chad Dean, Integrated Management, President and Managing Partner, Featured in Structured Credit Investor


Chad Dean, Integrated Management – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, President and Managing Partner, Featured in Structured Credit Investor, Hiring remains flat, but CMBS up-tick possible

Plano, 1/25/2017

CMBS could provide a hiring boost in the US in 2017, while structured finance recruitment is likely to remain mostly flat globally. In the UK, senior hires are few and far between, but banks are still recruiting junior executives to develop smaller structuring teams.

Chadrin Dean, president and managing partner for Sanford Rose Associates,
Integrated Management, says that over the last year hiring has been flat for most areas of the securitisation market, with only a small amount of hiring for CLOs in secondary trading. With recruitment needs being so low, he suggests that most banks have switched to in-house recruitment, as it is more cost-effective.

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