Managing Director of Sanford Rose Associates – Beachwood®, Ginni Garner, Featured in Natural Products Insider
Managing Director of Sanford Rose Associates – Beachwood®, Ginni Garner, Featured in Natural Products Insider, Hiring Qualified Employees in the Health and Nutrition Industry
Dallas, TX 12/31/2015
By Courtney Johnson
The natural products industry is growing rapidly, and with this growth comes hiring opportunities for companies that are expanding. Searching for the right candidate for the job is far from easy though, and requires time and strategy. Companies looking to hire the right candidate for a position may find the journey for that precise fit can be taxing, especially when hiring managers are looking for candidates with technical skills more advanced than their own.
Job Description
The first step for any employer is to create a job description focused on the key traits and duties of the position. Ginni Garner, managing director for Sanford Rose Associates, stressed the importance of tailoring the job description toward the person most suitable for hiring. “A good job description will include three to four significant projects the role will be responsible for completing in the first six to 12 months of the job,” Garner said.