Scott Love, CEO of The Attorney Search Group, Featured in GoodCall
Scott Love, CEO of The Attorney Search Group, A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in GoodCall, What Do Employees Really Need for Job Satisfaction?
Plano, TX 8/16/2017
By Terri Williams
Most employees spend at least eight hours each weekday at work – and some dedicate even more time away from the office, which can lead to unhappiness. A new survey by the Society for Human Resource Management reveals the factors that contribute to job satisfaction.
Scott Love is a high stakes headhunter for partner-level attorneys in Washington and New York, and he is president of the Attorney Search Group. He tells GoodCall® that companies must pay attention to the five most important factors if they want to create a harmonious workplace. “The psychologist, Abraham Maslow, in the 1960s, created the ‘hierarchy of needs,’ which has become the most widely adopted model of explaining our human needs.”