February 23, 2017 |

The Tolan Group Named Top Healthcare Executive Search Firm by Hunt Scanlon


The Tolan Group Named Top Healthcare Executive Search Firm by Hunt Scanlon


The Tolan Group – a member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, and leader in HCIT executive search, has been named as a top US healthcare executive search firm by Hunt Scanlon, the most widely referenced, single-source for information in the human capital sector worldwide.

Recently the firm named Shawn Tolan as Senior Partner to lead the firms private equity and venture capital practice. “There are literally hundreds of PE and VC firms that focus on Healthcare IT.” Tolan and his team will partner with small start-ups and mid-sized firms in the space. “Firms are making significant investments to solve key issues in healthcare around Digital Health, Mobile Technology, Cyber Security, Patient Engagement, and niche solutions which include new technologies for both the provider and the health plans/payer market. We offer tremendous value to our PE and VC partners and their portfolio companies,” added Tolan.

Read more: https://simplydrivensearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/SRA-TheTolanGroupPressRelease-Hunt-Scanlon-PR-EditedbyDarren.pdf